
Showing posts from November, 2018

Mix.Rent ICO обзор платформы

Mix.Rent – это международный рынок, основанный на блочных цепях для аренды и обмена автомобилями. Платформа работает с 2017 года. В настоящее время услуга доступна в США, России, Канаде, Мексике и готовится к запуску в Австралии. Платформа объединяет владельцев различных транспортных средств и арендаторов, что позволяет людям арендовать и арендовать автомобили у владельцев по выгодным ценам. В проекте собрано более 6000 единиц автомобилей с ежедневными заказами в разных городах. В проект вложены два инвестора. В отличие от многих блокштейнов, мы работаем над реальным развитием бизнеса, который позволяет людям арендовать и сдать в аренду автомобили, мотоциклы, велосипеды, яхты, моторные лодки, вертолеты и другие транспортные средства в разных странах мира. Проблемы рынка Несмотря на глобализацию и вездесущность Интернета, наряду с новыми решениями (технологическими платформами), объединяющими владельцев и арендаторов, рынок по-прежнему сталкивается с множеством нерешенных проблем


MYCRO - simply getting the job done When we were kids we all have studied in junior classes that  Man is a Social Animal and Cannot live Without Society . Working on this concept our parents and there parents and there parents and our previous generations, tried there level best to give the best they have to there children by that I mean good food to eat, good clothes to wear, good house to live, good education so that there children can live in the society made by man comfortably and respectfully. This thought of living a Comfortable and Respectful life have been passed from one generation to another in the same way as it was started but, did we ever thought how many pains and troubles went through to give us that respectful of what they have dreamed about us. The answer is simple  NO  why? because just like our parents we too are also busy in making our future generations to get settled in their it's lives. It seems like bicycle chain which goes up and down, a never end


What is Mycro? Mycro is a mobile app which is intuitive to use. Simple jobs on a short-term basis can be posted directly to the mycro network for free. Through intelligent and self-learning algorithms known from dating platforms, Mycro matches these jobs just-in-time with the right jobber. He or she does the job. One person gains time, the other money. Vision We have made it our task to protect the most valuable gift life offers people: TIME. Time connects us all irrespective of our origin or social rank. Time is limited. Time is finite. We cannot retrieve or prolong time. In today‘s world, our time is mostly controlled externally. Time is controlled by our jobs, our customers, our social obligations. We, therefore, believe that every person in this world has the right to be in control of their own time. It is our vision to implement this right. For this reason, we will create an equilibrium between time and money. We will establish a global and decentra


Authpaper Delivery   Problem We All Face In the era of information technology, technology advancements have changed human lives by a lot. However, document delivery and huge data transfer, especially commercial and important ones, are still following years old methods, physical mailing. Physical mailing takes a lot of time and spends a lot of resources. Printed documents/ credentials are potentially subject to forgery. Every year, billions USD has lost directly due to document fraud. Current digital delivery solutions are mostly centralized, privacy cannot be guaranteed.   Solution We Provide Authpaper Delivery combines blockchain, BT, cryptography and other current technologies to build a peer-to-peer digital data delivery platform. All data delivered is confidential except the specified recipients. Data is verified to be unchanged down to every single bit. Operations on the data are properly done and recorded among the peers so that the delivery histories are publ