A Blockchain that enables Decentralized Business Relationship Platform

Loyakk’s is a patent-pending business to business (B2B) blockchain platform called Vega Relationship Platform (VEGA). Loyakk helps businesses improve their relationship and responsibilities to other businesses within their network.
Loyakk is a company that addresses a global business problem with a very large target market. These serious problems faced by companies around the world and in various industries can result in billions of dollars in lost profits and increased costs. The foundation of the platform, built on patent-pending block chain technology, is our internal LYK token, which provides protection and tracking of critical business data across enterprise networks.
The Loyakk Vega Platform embeds proprietary patent-pending blockchain technology implementation with advanced enterprise relationship management capabilities to address modern business-to-business engagement challenges across industries.
Loyakk Vega powers a full stack solution that includes the critical application and platform components and services that’s designed to readily enable early and evolving blockchain use cases across industries while supporting a firm’s vision and roadmap for enterprise-wide blockchain implementation and digital transformation.
Loyakk Vega devised a single key to all the problems being faced at once. With an authoritative technology such as Blockchain taking over the potential field of businesses all the problems were crushed and finally became immune to all the glitches identified. Blockchain secured data by providing a decentralized system; this evaded all the possibilities of data leaks and built a protected data storage system. It was studied that the loss due to data leaks alone will be around $2 Trillion USD by 2019. The huge losses to the firms were innovatively checked by Loyakk Vega's solution. Data leaks also play a big role in many other different frauds indirectly, these too account for huge losses to the businesses, and data leaks are a result of unauthorized access to important data. Data is finally stored in a reliable platform providing security to potential information with Loyakk Vega taking over.
Advantages Of Loyakk Vega Platform
Secure and improve the trading of data, coordinated effort and commitment among individuals from a disseminated business organize
Enables reasonable perceivability and access to pertinent data by arrange individuals in light of the setting of character, relationship and business
Encourage sheltered, convenient, and exact development of computerized resources and qualities ​​among members in view of directions and business approaches that are dispersed over the system
Quicken and smooth complex assentions, multi-party ventures with savvy contracts, and limit question through better data check and starting point.
Institutionalize all associations on the system, accommodating data from various sources and frameworks around a typical form of reality affirmed by organize individuals.
Loyakk can totally kill those dangers since all exchanges and data is safely recorded and put away on blockchain forever. In that capacity, Loyakks VEGA platform esteem is gotten from giving the accompanying three (3) key usefulness regions:
Secure and quick data trade (exchanges)
Work processes
Relationship Management
Loyakk diagrams a few utilize cases from IT, protection, riches administration, and life sciences medicinal services (LSHC) businesses in their whitepaper, yet their platform can without much of a stretch apply to pretty much any worldwide industry.
For a more profound comprehension of Loyakk's VEGA idea and usefulness, please allude to their whitepaper for illustrations, for example, their application layer's arrangement of use modules (client commitment, accomplice administration, channel speeding up, merchant administration, provider administration) and platform center segments that drive everyday cooperations/exchanges.
Loyakk's ICO is slated to start on June 15, 2018 (see ICO DETAILS and PROCEED ALLOCATION area for more points of interest).
Income MODEL
Loyakk will expect organizations to buy licenses to utilize the platform's administrations (see graph in "Definite THOUGHTS" area) and execute with other platform elements. From perusing their whitepaper, it seems as though they will offer an extensive variety of permit bundles and enable substances to buy a level/estimate that will suit their normal use, anyway it didn't state on the off chance that they want to likewise charge platform exchange expenses.
Token Details & ICO
Token Symbol: LYK (utility token) (ERC20 standard)
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000
Current Release: 300,000,000
For Purchase by Users: 60,000,000
For Purchase by Businesses: 123,000,000 (not permitted to resell) & Incremental Incentives
Price Per Token: £ 0.50 (before Bonuses)
Purchase Options: BTC or ETH
Unsold Pool: For use by larger Enterprise Customers (not permitted to resell)
Employee Tokens: Will be issued only after Token buyers and will vest over a period of 1 year
Token Contribution Distribution
Token purchase contributions through the token purchase will be utilized for product & development, to run the operations, for
marketing , purchases & customer adoption success and for legal and administrative expenses that Loyakk will incur in the course
of business. The token contributions will be utilized as follows:
Use of Funds
Product & Development: 45%
Operations: 20%
Marketing: 15%
Sales & Customer Adoption 10%
Legal and Administrative: 10%
TOKEN Purchase:
ICO starts on February 23, 2018
No Tokens will be issued before conclusion of open token
Loyakk will accept payment after 6 confirmations for BTC and 60 for ETH
Token reconciliation and settlement will be done in 8-12 weeks, after conclusion of token purchase event.
Final number of tokens will depend on amounts contributed
The timeline for initiation and publication of the Loyakk Index will be communicated via www.loyakk.io
Official Token Purchase info at: https://www.loyakk.io
Road Map
· November 2015
Launch of the Customer Relationship Platform
· January - October 2016
Incorporation of Blue chip clients (SAP, infosys, Abbott, Novartis, Mphasis)
· October - December 2016
Customer demand for business relationship capability with block chain grade security and integrity
· January - April 2017
Compilation of customer requirements
·May - July 2017
Design and scope of the Enterprise Blockchain solution
· August - September 2017
Patent filing and ICO plans
· February 2018
ICO's main sale begins
· March - April 2018
Token reconciliation and development of the Vega platform (continuous)
· July 2018
Launch of Vega Alpha
· August 2018
Lighthouse Customer Engagement joins the market with Charter Technology and Service Partner
· October 2018
Launch of the Industrial Value Web Solution for Insurance
· December 2018
Focus on customer success and benchmark capability
· January 2019
Industry Web Solution for Wealth Mgt launched
· February 2019
Launch of API for third-party application developers Launch of Vega Blockchain Developer Network Program
· March 2019
Vega platform update - Launch of version 2.0
· April 2019
Launch of the Industrial Value Web Solution for High Technology
· June 2019
Vega Developer Ecosystem Marketing and Growth. Start showing developers and their programs/additions
· October 2019
Launch of the Industrial Value Web Solution for Life Sciences
· November 2019
Platform Updates - Launch of version 3.0
Loyakk Team
Salim Ali - CEO
Jitu Telang - Technical Director
Tsvetan Georgiev - Technical Architect and Head of Development at Blockchain
Jimjees Abraham - Block Chain Solutions Architect
Jaijiv Prabhakaran - Chief Architect
Marzanne DeLoof - Customer Success
Rakesh Sreekumar - Director of Marketing
Sadiq Quasim - Director, Loyakk Ltd.
Anthony Thomas - Advisor, CIO Global, Nissan Motors
Patricia Hatter - Advisor, former CIO, McAfee
Jonathan Becher - Advisor and Investor, Chief Digital Officer, SAP
Gerry Mcclement - Investor, Director,'Big 4' UK Bank
Aly Madhavji - Co-Founder of Global DCX | Top ICO Advisor | Angel Investor | Blockchain Entrepreneur
Ian Scarffe - Consultant / Advisor to ICO Blockchain. Founder of Crypto Consulting and Investments LTD.
Pankaj Gupta - OIC Advisor, Marketing Expert, Entrepreneur in mHealth, Renewable Energy, Block Chain, Commercial Space
Nathan Christian - Block Chain Technology Consultant
For more information
Website - https://loyakk.io/
Whitepaper - https://loyakk.io/#white-paper
ANN - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2838705.0
Telegram - https://t.me/loyakk

 Bitcointalk Profile  : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2446601
Bitcointalk username : Nickzy 
Eth Address : 0x414029c45613c5703ef38762d2e5ce9623560c7c


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